Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Checking in: Day 2

Just a quick note to record my bike activity, such as it was today. Only two miles put in, but I did do it in the evening and I used my new headlight from Costco. This is a real deal: for $9.99, the package includes 3 headlights on elastic that can be worn on a bare head or over a helmet. The light has 3 settings, one of them "flashing", which gives off a powerful beam. Money well spent. A lot of light after dark gives me more confidence to get out there without undue risk; for additional visibility, I did wear my yellow reflective vest and a flashing red rear light.

Some of the reflective surfaces on the bike and on my vest.
I didn't have the helmet light yet.

Front view. The Yuba Go-Getter panniers have reflective
material on the front and back.

Day 2: 2 miles
Month total: 6.6 miles


  1. Great lights - I think I would be afraid if you were whirling toward me on the paseos at night!

    1. I've since added a blue glowing light to the underside of the frame. I'll have to update when I get a pic of that setup. Yeah, I'm quite the spectacle, but it's necessary at night.
